17 kW PV system powering a telecom site on a remote island in Washington State's San JUan archipelago.

17 kW PV system powering a telecom site on a remote island in Washington State's San JUan archipelago.

Vector’s principal has decades of experience. Visit our gallery of current and past projects to find out how this experience culminates in making Vector your partner of choice for generating clean, renewable energy for the next 30 years at about a quarter of the price you'll pay the utility company if you stick with them.

About Vector

Barque Eagle, the Coast Guard Academy's sail training ship, in service since 1946.

Barque Eagle, the Coast Guard Academy's sail training ship, in service since 1946.

Vector is 100% owned and actively operated by Pete Marsh, a proud veteran of 25 years' service in the U. S. Coast Guard. Learn more about Vector and our registrations.